Market Sectors

Owner’s Representative

We work with Owner’s in a variety of capacities based on their professional service needs. We often make recommendations to engage and manage other consultants when appropriate. Our strength lies in our ability to see projects holistically, and to rapidly identify the required talent and project resources needed to support the effort.  Our sole purpose exists to help others. We engage projects that we understand well and that fit our staff and team member capabilities.

We provide the following services to Owner’s on a frequent basis:

  • Waterfront Marine Engineering, Pile Supported Structures & Deep Excavations
  • General Project Consultation Regarding Procedures of Real Estate Development
  • Marine Terminal Master Plan Support and Rough Order of Magnitude Cost Estimating
  • Inspections, Evaluations and Structural Retrofit of Existing Buildings, Bridges, Piers/Wharves
  • Due Diligence Support for Property Acquisition or Modifications to Existing Conditions
  • Construction Defect and Insurance Claim Support for New and Existing Infrastructure

We do not perform in a Prime Consultant capacity for Major Complex Bridges, or Architectural Building Projects. For these types of projects, we are well suited to serve in advisory or sub-consultant roles or as specialty consultants for select design, inspection and testing services.

Taking care of the Owner’s needs and protecting their interests is always our prime concern and we are available to serve in unique & exclusive roles upon request.